Amazing Discoveries has produced a variety of downloadable free E-Books that serve as valuable resources for deepening your understanding of Biblical topics and sharing knowledge with loved ones. These E-Books are excellent tools for evangelism and can help answer questions on a variety of topics.
When conventional treatment fails to heal, many who turn to alternatives such as acupuncture find relief. What is acupuncture and how does it work? Is it based on science? Where does its healing power come from? And are acupuncture and Christianity compatible? Eric Wilson, a former martial arts professional and traditional Chinese medicine practitioner reveals the secrets of acupuncture.
Some Christians today believe that the dietary laws regarding clean and unclean have no relevance now because they were strictly ceremonial. In addition, some believe that Jesus declared all foods clean and Peter’s vision proves it.
Is this true? Can Christians eat pork now? Or could it be that we have been overlooking important facts regarding clean and unclean?
Modern thinkers, theologians, and pastors, conclude that although the book was good for its time and had some truth, it is now outdated and irrelevant, and its interpretations of prophecy no longer fit the current world situation. In fact, some have gone so far as to call the author a satanic jesuit. Each side believes in a different interpretation of certain verses in the prophetic books of Daniel and Revelation, and each side follows a different set of interpretive principles for coming to their conclusions.
What day is the Sabbath? The Bible is clear that the seventh day is the Sabbath, not Sunday, the first day of the week. So, who changed the Sabbath to Sunday? Was it Jesus, or the apostles? When did Christians begin keeping Sunday instead of the Sabbath?
Discover surprising evidence for Sabbath-keeping throughout the centuries and the shocking truth about who changed it.
Discover surprising links between labor unions and Marxism, the New Age, Catholic social teaching, and those shaping the new world order. Catch a glimpse of the involvement unions will have in last day events in this in-depth look at labor unions from a prophetic viewpoint.
Some Christians are against yoga because they believe that yoga has unholy ties. Is yoga demonic, as some believe? Is yoga a sin? Is there such a thing as “Christian” yoga. Eric Wilson, a former martial arts professional and traditional Chinese medicine practitioner reveals the true purpose of yoga. Discover the truth about yoga and Christianity.
Easter is not a Christian holiday. The word Easter is not even scriptural; it does not exist in true translations of the bible. A brief history of Easter tells us that the name “Easter” comes from the Anglo-Saxon, Eostre, the name of the goddess of spring. Her roots trace all the way back to the goddess Ashtoreth. There is no New Testament commandment for honouring Easter as there was no such thing.
How do we come up with the date of Oct 22, 1844? Do you know? This little book will give you insights into the studies of the pioneers so that you can understand how they were able to determine 1844 was the correct date for the 2300-day prophecy in Daniel.
Is soy bad for you? Many people in the West think so. But what does the science say about soy? And what can we learn about soy’s effects on human health from cultures where soy is an everyday part of life? Are we needlessly avoiding soy when we should be embracing it instead? This booklet examines the evidence on soy. Discover the truth about the humble soybean.
Read about the beginning of the Advent movement from one who was there right from the beginning. Joseph Bates was a sea captain that participated in the advent movement's beginning when the Midnight Cry swelled that the Bridegroom was coming. He experienced the disappointment and then learned the truth of what really took place. He outlines the principles that helped them come to this all-important date.
What does the Bible say about wearing jewelry and makeup? What can we learn from stories of the beautiful women in Old and New Testament times? How did the wedding ring become a tradition in Christian marriage? This booklet examines the Scriptures to reveal lessons for us today. Discover the Biblical principles of Christian adornment.
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Health is delicately balanced on eight health principles. Learn about these eight laws of health that lead to an abundant life. Following these basic principles will ensure that no part of your wholistic being is neglected. But it may not be as simple as you think!
Today, the world is in conflict over who told the truth that day in the garden of eden. Was it God? Or was it the serpent or devil as we now call him? If the people of the world are the jurors in this case, it looks like the verdict has passed in favor of the devil because his message seems to be the one that is commonly believed today.
The Faith on the Line magazine urges Christians to stand up for the truth and to resist error on every hand.
In times of serious compromise this magazine gives you solid information on current issues and trends to help you in your Christian walk.
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